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Earn cash online with Blogger

Earn cash online with Blogger - Blogging is the best solution to earn online. With you litter contribution you are able to earn a lot. Select your stage for article writing and keep posting. There are lots of blogging programs are available online, like Blogger, Wordpress, Tumbler etc. All of these are free blogging program. Where you could start your free website and start posting. After writing some quality content and when your site will 6 months old and you obtain high-quality traffic then apply for adsense publisher account and earn a great deal from this.

Among many of these I prefer Google Blogger while the free and one of the best article writing sites. Because it is a product of Google so you can easily get many helps for Google. also a great spot to earn some cash from your own unique article. Here I provide you procedure by procedure guideline on how to setup your article writing blog and start posting.

Procedure -1: 

Initially visit and then register together with your existing Google account or make a fresh one. And opt a best niche for the site.

Step -2: 

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Procedure -3: 

Select a template for the blog which can be nice looking and seo friendly. Selecting template for a website is an essential part. So select one from the blogger store or download from anywhere.

Step -4: 

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Procedure -5: 

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Unknown Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Anonymous leak ISIS Target, Among Indonesia

Anonymous leak ISIS Target, Among Indonesia
Pict By : Google

Anonymous, OpParisIntel, recently released the findings of ISIS plans to Indonesia. the contents of the plan, described ISIS will target the Al Jihad attack on the community as well as the One Day One Juz. In the work of Anonymous who previously had declared war with ISIS, besides Indonesia there are also other countries that become targets, namely the United States and Lebanon.

Reporting from news.liputan6 (22/11) ISIS will do its action today, Sunday (22/11). According to the Reddit community, the community of Al Jihad is one mosque in Karawang, West Java, while One Day One Juz an online study community aimed at each of its members in order to recite one Juz per day.

Other countries are being targeted, Italy, the target is a concert event in the country, the celebration of the Feast of Christ or the Feast of Christ the King Catholic places of worship around the world that year now held 22 November. Anonymous JPNNcom cited their findings reveal that terror in Saturday (7/11) in Paris, France, will be done in unison also to Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, and the US. however, only happen in Paris alone, one hundred and thirty people were killed.

Released by International Business Times, Saturday (21/11), a number of regions or communities targeted ISIS, including Feast of Christ the King celebrations (Rome), Al Jihad, One Day One Juz (Indonesia), Five Finger Death Punch (Milan) University Pastoral Day (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon). "We are here because our goal is megerjakan entirely undercover operations and report to the appropriate authorities. The aim, they took action. but if no action is taken, we are acting, "said Anonymous IB Times reported on Saturday (21/11).

The FBI immediately handle the matter seriously. Also security authorities, to tighten the wrestling gym in Atlanta, USA. Anonymous and cyber group that has been working ISIS cyber war since the terrorist group that successfully invade Paris (13/11) ago. Hacker group claimed to have successfully blocked five thousand Twitter accounts ISIS.

After the incident at the office of Charlie Hebdo January 2015 'war' the same was held. Anonymous said successfully closed 149 websites, Twitter and mengapus 5,900 101,000 propaganda video ISIS. Coordinating Minister for Politics Luhut Binsar Panjaitan urged residents not to be afraid of the threat of ISIS. He said that so far our country is safe from the target ISIS. however, the government will remain vigilant.

Unknown Tuesday, November 24, 2015
World portraits Education in Indonesia
The Spirit of Indonesia Students : Education Need Reproduction not Stand Alone | Which is one vehicle for forming a national character, the school is the main room where the "Nation Builders" Indonesia wants to be struggling in taking the country to compete in the global arena. Along with the rapid global challenges, the challenges of education also became more and more big, this aspect which encourages learners most excellent achievement.

However, the world of education in Indonesia still has many hurdles that the quality of education with them is limited access to education, the number of teachers who have not been evenly distributed, as well as the quality of teachers themselves assessed is still lacking. Limited access to education in Indonesia, especially in the area again leads to increased urbanization have created a better knowledge access in urban areas.

According to the Indonesian education activists, Anies Baswedan limited access to education in the area so the base of the rapid urbanization.
"What matters, in Greater Jakarta has a proportional number, but let us just say urban, outer urban Precisely in that we have a problem and it is that causes the migration to Jakarta," said Anies. 

With no way simultaneously, Indonesian citizens are encouraged to run for urbanization due to the limited facilities in the area. He assesses access to education must be open widest To all residents with the provision of tools that support the event.
 "If the only school in the capital districts, so that far right becomes not afford school," he said.

Beyond that, the number of teachers who harmoniously with the qualifying today assessed is still not evenly distributed in the area. According to Director General of Basic Education (Basic Education) Kemendikbud Hamid Muhammad at a time when not a few basic schools (SD) in Indonesia shortages. The number is expected to reach 112 thousand teachers.

Create overcome this problem, the Ministry of Education & Culture (Kemendikbud) will work closely together with the local government, whether provincial or district / city, in the aspect of the distribution of teachers in these areas though more evenly. "If the teacher management can be handled optimally, not partial, so that could be transferred to the district or region that close together," said Hamid.

After That, to improve the quality of teachers, Kemendikbud will improve the qualifications of teachers through scholarships S-1 for teachers Schools. Hamid explained, the number of primary school teachers in the state and the private school of approximately 1,850 thousand teachers. Of these, only 60 per cent of teachers who have qualified with the title of S-1, while the other 40% who do not meet the qualifications. Each year, Kemendikbud also set up a scholarship For 100 thousand prospective teachers to study in the S-1 through S-1 scholarship assistance For Schools teachers. Internationally, the quality of education in Indonesia is ranked 64th out of 120 countries in all the world based on annual reports UNESCO Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2012. While based Education Development Index (Education Development Index, EDI), Indonesia was ranked the ke- 69 out of 127 countries for 2011.

In the other corner, cases of attrition children - children of school age in Indonesia and remains high "Based on data from Kemendikbud 2010, in Indonesia there are more than 1.8 million children each yr unable to connect education, Re is caused by three factors, the economic aspects; children - children are forced working to give economic support of the family; and marriage at an early age, "according to the Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, Meter. Eng, Sc in Jakarta. In the most recent report of the UN Development Events yr 2013, Indonesia ranks 121 of 185 countries in the Human Development Index (HDI) with zeros, 629. Along the figure was Indonesia lags behind the two neighboring countries of ASEAN including Malaysia (ranked 64th) and Singapore (18), while IPM in Asia Pacific namely zero, 683.

"We must solve the problems of education, because the ownership of the key insights of the people to prosper," according to Indonesian education figures, Anies Baswedan. 
In the development of education in Indonesia, the government has run a variety of policies for improving the quality of education in order to face the competition of the free world that can simultaneously apply together with the realization of the ASEAN population against th 2015 will come.

For help load also strengthen basic education for learners of Indonesia, can fully enforce Kemdikbud determine curriculum th 2013 since the start of 2014, has even prepared give operational support costs For the curriculum.

"It's ready and th front almost entirely (schools) can do Curriculum 2013," said Deputy Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Musliar Kasim.

Curriculum 2013 the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) which focuses on the mastery of contextual insight into which fits the area and the environment respectively. The curriculum focuses on three learners assessment concerning: the attitude (honest, polite, obedient rules), skills (on the job practice / school project), and depth of knowledge. The basic level such as primary schools, the curriculum is more concentration on the formation of attitudes and life skills, while their knowledge is 'lighter' than the Education Unit Level Curriculum.

Against such an advanced level junior and senior high school, serving more optimized due to the mastery of knowledge personally pupil is considered to have formed on the basic level. According Musliar, the new curriculum can be applied to learners grade 1, 2, 4 & 5; junior high school students grade 8 & 9; Similarly high school students grade 10 and 11. The government can not forge textbooks. Such as the construction of the thn the beginning of the beginning, Kemendikbud textbooks will be uploaded into the internet web.

Kemendikbud can set the highest retail prices for the books that are targeted to circulate freely. Curriculum 2013 has actually been implemented since mid-yr 2013 in the number of schools who have been selected, even though has been criticized because its implementation seem forced.

As international aid agencies working in the socio-economic development, USAID Indonesia gives emphasis to the development of quality education akbar through as many events that occurred at this time one of them is through a scholarship program S2 USAID-ACHIEVEMENT. Against this yr, USAID -PRESTASI gave scholarships to 31 professional Indonesian S2. For this event in the open common and desirable able to support the development of human resources who are competent in their field - each to a result that will make a positive contribution in their work environment - each after They turned to the

Unknown Monday, November 16, 2015
Kemendikbud : Education Need Reproduction not Stand Alone

Kemendikbud : Education Need Reproduction not Stand Alone | The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) did not make the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK), which rejected the application of reproductive education in schools. Kemendikbud assess reproductive education should not stand alone.

No need to stand on its own as a separate subject," said the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education (DG Dikdasmen) Kemendikbud :, Hamid Muhammad, on Saturday (7/11).
Hamid explained, reproductive education is already entered as a material part of other subjects. He said about this already exists in the subjects of biology in high school / equivalent and the IPA in SMP / equivalent.

He said, reproductive education has yet to be implemented as a separate subject. So far the number of subjects is very much at the various levels of school.

"If later become a separate subject, later in other areas demanded the same thing," he said.

Earlier, the Constitutional Court (MK) reject the application for Judicial Review of Article 37 Paragraph 1h of Law No 20 of the National Education System. Article 37 contains the primary and secondary curriculum that must exist in the education system.

Aswanto (Constitutional Court Justice) stated that the applicant's argument about the importance of reproductive health to be incorporated into the curriculum at the school is not right.

Besides, he considers, curriculum about reproductive health need not be a stand-alone curriculum. Therefore, such material could be incorporated into the subject matter of religion and biology. By doing so, the Constitutional Court considers the applicants do not have the legal standing to file a judicial review.

Unknown Sunday, November 8, 2015