Anonymous leak ISIS Target, Among Indonesia

Anonymous leak ISIS Target, Among Indonesia
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Anonymous, OpParisIntel, recently released the findings of ISIS plans to Indonesia. the contents of the plan, described ISIS will target the Al Jihad attack on the community as well as the One Day One Juz. In the work of Anonymous who previously had declared war with ISIS, besides Indonesia there are also other countries that become targets, namely the United States and Lebanon.

Reporting from news.liputan6 (22/11) ISIS will do its action today, Sunday (22/11). According to the Reddit community, the community of Al Jihad is one mosque in Karawang, West Java, while One Day One Juz an online study community aimed at each of its members in order to recite one Juz per day.

Other countries are being targeted, Italy, the target is a concert event in the country, the celebration of the Feast of Christ or the Feast of Christ the King Catholic places of worship around the world that year now held 22 November. Anonymous JPNNcom cited their findings reveal that terror in Saturday (7/11) in Paris, France, will be done in unison also to Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, and the US. however, only happen in Paris alone, one hundred and thirty people were killed.

Released by International Business Times, Saturday (21/11), a number of regions or communities targeted ISIS, including Feast of Christ the King celebrations (Rome), Al Jihad, One Day One Juz (Indonesia), Five Finger Death Punch (Milan) University Pastoral Day (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon). "We are here because our goal is megerjakan entirely undercover operations and report to the appropriate authorities. The aim, they took action. but if no action is taken, we are acting, "said Anonymous IB Times reported on Saturday (21/11).

The FBI immediately handle the matter seriously. Also security authorities, to tighten the wrestling gym in Atlanta, USA. Anonymous and cyber group that has been working ISIS cyber war since the terrorist group that successfully invade Paris (13/11) ago. Hacker group claimed to have successfully blocked five thousand Twitter accounts ISIS.

After the incident at the office of Charlie Hebdo January 2015 'war' the same was held. Anonymous said successfully closed 149 websites, Twitter and mengapus 5,900 101,000 propaganda video ISIS. Coordinating Minister for Politics Luhut Binsar Panjaitan urged residents not to be afraid of the threat of ISIS. He said that so far our country is safe from the target ISIS. however, the government will remain vigilant.

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