Kemendikbud : Education Need Reproduction not Stand Alone

Kemendikbud : Education Need Reproduction not Stand Alone | The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) did not make the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK), which rejected the application of reproductive education in schools. Kemendikbud assess reproductive education should not stand alone.

No need to stand on its own as a separate subject," said the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education (DG Dikdasmen) Kemendikbud :, Hamid Muhammad, on Saturday (7/11).
Hamid explained, reproductive education is already entered as a material part of other subjects. He said about this already exists in the subjects of biology in high school / equivalent and the IPA in SMP / equivalent.

He said, reproductive education has yet to be implemented as a separate subject. So far the number of subjects is very much at the various levels of school.

"If later become a separate subject, later in other areas demanded the same thing," he said.

Earlier, the Constitutional Court (MK) reject the application for Judicial Review of Article 37 Paragraph 1h of Law No 20 of the National Education System. Article 37 contains the primary and secondary curriculum that must exist in the education system.

Aswanto (Constitutional Court Justice) stated that the applicant's argument about the importance of reproductive health to be incorporated into the curriculum at the school is not right.

Besides, he considers, curriculum about reproductive health need not be a stand-alone curriculum. Therefore, such material could be incorporated into the subject matter of religion and biology. By doing so, the Constitutional Court considers the applicants do not have the legal standing to file a judicial review.

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